Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds takes on Hillary Clinton: A Potential Running Mate for Donald Trump?

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 01/07/2024
During a recent on-air segment with CNN, Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds passionately criticized former president Donald Trump's 2016 opponent, then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Donalds, whose name has been mentioned as a potential running mate for leading 2024 GOP presidential contender Donald Trump, did not hold back in expressing his views.

The GOP lawmaker was questioned regarding remarks made by the former first lady, in which she drew comparisons between members of the Republican Party and their supporters to being part of a "cult."

"What are your thoughts on being informed that you are part of a cult?" Donalds was questioned during a recent appearance on CNN.

"I no longer pay attention to Hillary Clinton's statements because she lost a while back," Donalds responded. "And she's not really important to me, to be honest." However, on a more expansive scale, considering Hillary's desire for involvement, I would like to participate as well.

"You made multiple false statements, you deliberately deleted emails and evidence, and then you manipulated false information into the intelligence community out of fear of losing," Donalds continued. "Despite your efforts, you were unable to secure a victory. Therefore, I am not inclined to heed the advice of Hillary Clinton regarding my choice of support."

She has consistently deceived the American people. She utilized the resources of our government to conduct surveillance on the campaign of one of her political rivals. Indeed, America, she accomplished that. If individuals enjoy discussing the Watergate scandal and former President Nixon, they may find it interesting to explore the connections between Hillary Clinton and the Crossfire Hurricane. This reference alludes to the FBI's investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump's 2016 campaign, which was initiated in the last months of President Obama's administration.

Clinton was Obama's secretary of state until 2013, when she departed to ready herself for a presidential campaign.

Contrary to the claims made by Clinton and many Democrats, the FBI did not uncover any evidence suggesting that Trump colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin to manipulate the election results. Various investigations conducted by Congress and a special counsel led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller also concluded that there is no evidence to substantiate the allegation.

Clinton consistently referred to Trump as a "illegitimate president" for an extended period following his election triumph.

"I put in a lot of effort, but right from the start of his presidency, all he did was accuse people and fabricate facts," she shared with the co-hosts of "The View" earlier this autumn. “I witnessed all my concerns becoming a reality, and I believe that he would be even more detrimental now. Surprisingly, in his first term, he was somewhat held back by the individuals he appointed, who he expected to comply with him, but they actually stood up to him.”

In November, Clinton expressed her concerns about the potential consequences of another Trump term in the Oval Office during an appearance on ABC's "The View."

Sunny Hostin, one of the co-hosts, inquired about Clinton's perspective on a potential second term for Trump.

I find it difficult to even consider that. Clinton expressed concern about the potential consequences, stating that it could drastically change our country. "And I don't say that casually."

After losing to him in 2016, the former first lady and secretary of state then stated that she supported the idea of giving Trump a chance.

“I despised the feeling of defeat. And it was particularly frustrating to lose to him because I had noticed some of the warning signs during the campaign," Clinton continued. "However, I quickly expressed my belief that we should offer him an opportunity and stand behind the current president. I genuinely meant what I said."

"I put in a lot of effort, but from the moment he took office, all he did was make baseless accusations and fabricate information," she remarked. "I witnessed all my concerns materialize, which makes me believe that he would be even more detrimental now. Surprisingly, he was somewhat held back in his first term by individuals he appointed, thinking they would comply with him. However, they stood their ground."

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