RNC Pushes Early Voting and Absentee Ballots for 2024: A Twist From It's 2020 Strategy

On Wednesday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released an official advertisement urging its constituents to use their right to vote early and via absentee ballots in the upcoming 2024 elections. The advertisement is scheduled to be broadcasted during Fox News's initial primary debate in Milwaukee. It features prominent Republican figures, including former President Donald Trump, conveying a message that contradicts his previously asserted allegations of voting fraud during the 2020 presidential election.

According to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the Republican party tends to achieve electoral success when its members participate in early voting, as stated in the introductory segment of the 30-second advertisement. The advertisement is a component of the Republican Party's "Bank Your Vote" initiative, aimed at enlisting Republicans to commit to casting their votes in advance.


The campaign's website declares that the Republican Party would make concerted efforts throughout all 56 states and territories to encourage people to participate in the electoral process through mail-in voting or early in-person voting, while adhering to the regulations around ballot harvesting.

The practices of early voting, mail-in voting, and ballot harvesting garnered significant attention and criticism from President Trump as he vehemently asserted unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud throughout the 2020 election.

During his campaign in May 2020 in Michigan, President Trump asserted that in order to ensure a legitimate voting process free from fraudulent activities, individuals must physically visit the designated polling station to cast their votes. He also expressed concerns over the potential for fraud and abuse associated with mail-in voting. The Trump administration and the Republican Party made concerted efforts to impose limitations on both mail-in and early voting in anticipation of the 2020 election.

The advertisement features the inclusion of notable individuals such as former Vice President Mike Pence, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, and Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL), who is known for his support of former President Donald Trump. In the advertisement, Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) asserts that employing such strategies is crucial in achieving victory over the Democrats.


The extent to which the MAGA base will support the GOP's recent inclination to adopt early and mail-in voting techniques is uncertain, given the previous criticism of these methods by former President Trump. Earlier this summer, McDaniel initiated a comprehensive campaign by means of a lengthy video statement, accompanied by a commitment to reinstate the integrity of the electoral process.

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